Jhootha Kahin Ka
Drama, Comedy
Sleep Kang
Rishi Kapoor, Jimmy Shergill,Lillete Dubey,Nimisha Mehta,Omkar Kapoor, Sunny Singh, Rajesh Sharma
In this movie in love and family between two lovers of life and handle that always lovers are in a problem again and again between love and family

talking about acting that is Rishi Kapoor is amazing acting and all character are amazing but Rishi Kapoor is amazing because after a cancer hi awesome work in this movie is the first movie after cancer recover

Director has a excellent work is the great direction of the movie e Love and family between two lovers and amazing direction of the all of think like a song and costume is all comedy and action

Song is the most creativity and amazing they are song by yo yo honey Singh and song is amazing too good yaar

This movie make in 180 crore budget but that is awesome movie in Bollywood comedy and family drama its direction is awesome love and action awesome in direction in show this movie

first half is amazing second half so long first half is in comedy in there you are nothing to bore all time comedy and when Rishi Kapoor entering the screen came on comedy are coming like a Rishi Kapoor with comedy

That's the name of juta it means false you are confusing in whole movie whose father? whose son?whose wife?and whose husband?it's lots of question and amazing what awesome you are enjoying all movie in comedy

7⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ star out of 10 star
